Research into Gold and Silver Nanoparticles

Gold and silver nanoparticles are being developed as solutions to some of the more challenging health problems and medical treatments. Nanoparticles are molecules of gold and silver at the nanoscale level that can be used in medical procedures. Gold nanoshells, which are nanoparticles coated with gold have been extremely effective in trials as a cancer treatments as an alternative to chemotherapy. Gold is used frequently in different methods to both treat cancers and tumors by infiltrating and killing tumor cells. As well gold can be used as an imaging and contrast agent to help surgeons locate and remove tumors. Nanoparticles of silver can also be highly effective as an anti-bacterial agent and disinfectant. Silver in its nanoparticle form allows researchers to harness its full potential as a medical resource. To find out more about gold nanoparticles applications you can do follow up research on the website of a nanotechnology company.

Gold nanoparticles are used in many different forms to perform medical treatments. In research and clinical trials gold nanoparticles have been shown to be successful in an array of cancer treatment procedures from outright killing tumor cells, to serving as a contrast that allows surgeons to map out and identify the locations of tumors prior to operations. The gold particles, when injected into tumors, are able to navigate inside the tumor cells, doctors can then use a concentrated light source to cause a reaction in the gold that turns it a fluorescent color. This allows surgeons to identify not only the location of the tumor, but also its size and its layout inside the body.

Silver has long been known to have powerful antibiotic capabilities. Unfortunately, in its naturally occurring form silver is difficult to harness as a medicine because it does not easily dissolve into other compounds to be distributed. By breaking silver down into nanoparticles, researchers have been able to harness the compounds effects as a pathogen killer. However research still needs to be done into potential ways silver can be safely distributed as an effective medicine. There also has yet to been conclusive evidence on the long term safety impacts of bodily ingestion or contact with nanoparticles of silver. While research into nanotechnology silver particles gives reason to expect great things, more studies are still necessary.

For the latest updates about advancements in nanotechnology using gold and silver nanoparticles be sure to check in with a nanotechnology company. You can also find out more information about topics such as gold nanoparticles cancer research.